микросхема Ancinnes, Eglise St Pierre, St Paul

посещение достопримечательностей , религиозные памятники культуры dans la Sarthe

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Ancinnes, Eglise St Pierre, St Paul

Judith GRAHAM Le Bourg 72610 Ancinnes (Sarthe)
телефон : 02 33 82 01 19
смотреть на сайте http://alencon61.free.fr Parts of the church of Saint-Pierre & Saint-Paul date from the XI and XII centuries. A Byzantine altar was uncovered there, together with baths which are thought to have been used for ceremonial ablutions and baptisms.

The ceiling and walls are covered with remarkable frescoes which make it well worth a visit.
The church presbytery dates from 1774 and nowadays houses the Mairie (right); granite columns and a well mark the entrance to the courtyard.

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