
Te bezoeken erfgoed, Parken en tuinen in de Pays de la Loire

    Parks and Gardens
    Completed for the nature lovers, parks, flowery gardens, kitchen gardens and arboretums plunge you into a case of greenery for a walk of the most soothing.

    Observe, smell, touch your senses are on the alert! Take advantage of the inexhaustible wealth of the vegetable world.
10 in de Pays de la Loire.
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Foto Le Jardin Mosaïque
  • Laagseizoen 2€ naar 4€
  • Gemiddeld seizoen 2€ naar 4€
  • Hoogseizoen 2€ naar 4€
  • Schoolvakanties 2€ naar 4€

Parken en tuinen in Asnières-sur-Vègre

Le Jardin Mosaïque

Mr et Mme Grandry Philippe La Salle 72430 Asnières-sur-Vègre (Sarthe)
Tel : 02 43 92 52 35
Ecologic garden!
A 2,5 ha ecologic garden, punctuated with many plashed hedges, where perennial flowers, ancient roses, medicinal plants, blend together with vegetables and wild flowers

Parken en tuinen in Feneu

Parc et jardins du château de Montriou

de Loture Château de Montriou 49460 Feneu (Maine-et-Loire)
Tel : 02 41 93 30 11  - Fax : 02 41 93 30 11
Our place is a typical chateau in the heart of the Anjou. Its speciality is a beautiful park and vegetable gardens with a lot of flowers and cucurbitaceous plants. The park and the 4 gardens are ...
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