
Patrimonio da  visitare , Musei, esposizioni in Pays de la Loire

    Museums and exhibitions
    It is the emphasising of art and of culture. Museums in permanent or temporary exhibitions, here is so many choices allowing you to open in classical or contemporary art. Many thematic museums are to discover, they pay tribute to a job, a site or to a character.
18 in Pays de la Loire.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Pays de la Loire é gratuito
foto di Musée Vert, Musée d'histoire naturelle du Mans
  • Bassa stagione 0€ a 2€
  • Media stagione 0€ a 2€
  • Alta stagione 0€ a 2€
  • Vacanze scolastiche 0€ a 2€

Musei, esposizioni a Le Mans

Musée Vert, Musée d'histoire naturelle du Mans

Nicolas Morel 204 avenue Jean Jaurès 72000 Le Mans (Sarthe)
Tel : 02 43 47 39 94  - Fax : 02 43 47 48 61
The Musée Vert is the natural history museum of the city of Le Mans. It opened its doors to the public in June 1995. This establishment with its scientific vocation, is inspected by the Ministry for ...

Musei, esposizioni a Saint-Laurent-de-la-Plaine


PERRAULT Claude Place de l'Eglise 49290 Saint-Laurent-de-la-Plaine (Maine-et-Loire)
Tel : 02 41 78 24 08
Plus de 35 métiers présentés sur 5000 mètres carrés. Une succession de places, façades anciennes, rues pavées, charpentes audacieuses construites dans le respect des styles pour une ...
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Pays de la Loire é gratuito