Patrimonio da visitare , Parchi e giardini in Pays de la Loire
10 in Pays de la Loire.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico in Pays de la Loire é gratuito
Parchi e giardini a Asnières-sur-VègreLe Jardin MosaïqueMr et Mme Grandry Philippe La Salle 72430 Asnières-sur-Vègre (Sarthe)
Tel : 02 43 92 52 35
Ecologic garden!A 2,5 ha ecologic garden, punctuated with many plashed hedges, where perennial flowers, ancient roses, medicinal plants, blend together with vegetables and wild flowers Parchi e giardini a FeneuParc et jardins du château de Montrioude Loture Château de Montriou 49460 Feneu (Maine-et-Loire)
Tel : 02 41 93 30 11
- Fax : 02 41 93 30 11
Our place is a typical chateau in the heart of the Anjou. Its speciality is a beautiful park and vegetable gardens with a lot of flowers and cucurbitaceous plants. The park and the 4 gardens are ...