
Alloggiamenti, affitti , Centri vacanze en Vendée

    Vacation centres
    Villages and vacation centres, it is the alliance of quality hostings in a multiplicity of the services. You will have access to numerous activities, sports, games, the whole in a festive atmosphere, you will have no time to annoy you. Everything is organized, of what to simplify your holidays! It is the formula completed for all the family.
1 en Vendée.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico en Vendée é gratuito
foto di Relais melusine
  • Bassa stagione 42€ a 47€
  • Media stagione 42€ a 47€
  • Alta stagione 44€ a 50€
  • Vacanze scolastiche 44€ a 50€

Centri vacanze a Vouvant

Relais melusine

Couzinet jean michel Route d'Antigny 85120 Vouvant (Vendée)
Tel : 02 51 00 80 14  - Fax : 02 51 00 80 92
Ce relais vous offre 22 chambres de 2 à 4 personnes dont 8 de plain pied, toutes équipées d'un sanitaire complet avec douche et wc et 7 gîtes de 2 pièces, 4 couchages. La cuisine familiale et ...
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico en Vendée é gratuito